Some days are really great. Some days I actually feel like a normal person. It's those days I think I can do just about anything, like drive to Salt Lake early in the morning, pull an all-dayer at work, then go to dinner with friends, stay out late and do the same thing again the next two days. It doesn't hit me right away, which, I suppose could be both good and bad. But because it doesn't hit me, I tend to keep going hard. I feel normal, like I can do anything. But then it hits, and boy does it hit hard. The fatigue, the weakness, the exhaustion. I don't want to get out of bed. I get headaches, my stomach hurts, my emotions get all out of wack. I wish I didn't have to adult. Unfortunately, i do have to adult. I still have to get up, get ready, and go to work. I have to smile when I feel like crying, stand when I feel like sitting, move when I just want to curl up in bed and stay in one spot forever. If I took the day off every time I felt like cra...