To the Dentist I Go
So, I hate my teeth. For whatever reason I am the only one in my family who doesn't have naturally straight teeth (except Kennan, but he had braces, and now his teeth rock too.) I have always been a bit self-conscious about them, sometimes more than others, but I still try not to hide my smile. I always get annoyed when I hear anyone talk about girls and how cute they are, except for her teeth. Grr...Totally shallow. I mean, I have crappy teeth, but I'm pretty awesome, right? Since Scleroderma has caused my face to tighten, and once awesome lips to shrink, my teeth just seem to be even more pronounced when I smile or talk. Fabulous! The one area of my body I've been most self-conscious about is the one area that's really standing out. I know it sounds silly, but it's hard to talk sometimes because of the way my mouth has changed. It's crazy annoying, especially trying to say my B's, and since my name starts B, it sometimes comes out sounding like I say ...