1st Annual Sclero-What? Volleyball Tournament
This year, the Northern Utah Scleroderma group decided not to do a 5K, but instead did a comedy night. I wasn't able to go, and was a little bummed as I have loved the race the last two years. It was fun to have so much of my family gathered in one place. Because of this, we nearly didn't do t-shirts (that and the fact that I put it off forever, then my mom was going to have hip surgery, and it was all just last minute). For the last year, though, I have been thinking that I wanted to continue to do t-shirts every year, with the proceeds going to a deserving family, whether they had Scleroderma, or not. I had in mind the family I wanted to donate to this year, so it broke my heart when we initially decided not to do shirts. I just couldn't shake the feeling, so I asked my mom again if we could do it. She, thankfully, said yes, and we were able to get the word out and sell shirts. Last year after the 5K when we were all at my parents house for Kennan's farewell, I wa...